Thursday, June 24, 2010

Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man

I want to take a moment to explain my love for what I do, despite the wide eyed expression of disbelief when I say I love it.
Children are my life.. they are the reason this world can maintain its innocence, life, and wonder. They bring a joy to a day that may not be present in a world of tormented adults. I have been told, by a wise man (my father), that the feeling of a spiritual presence is the actual swelling of your chest and fire in your tear ducts when a child looks into your eyes with light.
I have always believed that the closest thing to God is the love of children. This does not mean they should always praise or please you, but the joy they bring with laughter, acceptance, and encouragement.
I had an amazing parent going through a tough time and would take hours out of her day to be in our class. I told her that she was always welcome and askded her why she would take her moments to decompress in our vivacious classroom. Her response, "there is nothing as soothing and therapeutic as a child's laughter. I need to hear that to know that everything will be okay." I could not have agreed with her more. I began to realize the luck of my life, I get to be in this everyday, every minute, and every word they breathe. Now, is it always this epiphany of emotional insight? Of course not! Have I had to take deep breaths and remind myself why I do what I do for the mediocre income? Of course! However, when the day is over and the last child says good-bye with a smile and a hug... I remember... I remember, the beauty and influence of life as an educator, parent, mentor, counselor, etc. We have the ultimate influence on the blueprint of each child's life.
My wish for every adult is to really think about the innocence of each child. Take a deep breath when the times are tough, walk out of the room if you have to, but remind yourself.. you are the model of their future. You are the love of their life. You are the director in their life production. You are the reason they are who they are. A quote I live my teaching and child-life philosophy by is that "a child may not remember what you say, but they will ALWAYS remember the way you made them feel."
I wanted to take this blog to a safe zone of expression. Please feel free to post your stories, even if you may not have been mom or dad of the year, to share you experience with us all! We are all in this together! We learn from each other!
Thank you for taking the time to read and participate!

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